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Dress Code

There are two primary reasons for a dress code:

   1 - The first is to insure modesty which the Bible encourages (I Tim. 2:9).

   2 - The second is to encourage a dignity that is appropriate for the Academy setting.

The dress code of Clinton Christian Academy impacts our Academy environment every day.

The appearance of our students communicates the Christ centered focus of our Academy and

should be a valuable testimony in establishing our reputation as an outstanding Academy with superior students. The dress code is established to provide guidelines for parents and students

on appropriate school dress.



All CCA students will wear the school approved uniform. The specifics for the uniform are listed below.


Policy Statement

  • The dress code applies to the school day. The administration, faculty and staff are responsible for monitoring the dress code.

  • When a student is observed by administration, faculty or staff to be in violation of the following code, the parents or legal guardian may be called and the student may be sent home to make any needed alterations. If it is impossible for the student to go home to change, he or she may be held out of class for the remainder of the day. The student’s grade for each class will reflect his or her absence. Repeated offenses may indicate an issue of direct disobedience. Such students could lose certain dress privileges and be subject to disciplinary action from detention to dismissal.

  • Since this normally represents a greater hardship on the parents or guardian than the students, parents are urged to supervise their child’s dress on a daily basis. If a student is judged in non-compliance, complaints, or arguments based on what other students wear or how they appear will not be applicable. It is the student alone and his or her parents or guardians who are responsible for proper dress consistent with the spirit and the word of the dress code. Clinton Christian Academy reserves the right to determine the acceptability of clothing and hairstyles.





  • K4-K5 girls wear navy polo dresses and the Velcro tennis shoes as stated below.

  • 1st -2nd grade girls must wear the navy polo dress or plaid shirt with navy polo shirt and flat dress shoes in navy, gray, black or brown.

  • 3rd -12th grade girls must wear navy polo or navy ¾ length sleeve shirt with the plaid skirt and flat dress shoes in navy, gray, black or brown.



·       K4-12th- boys must wear navy polo shirts on Chapel days with khaki pant or shorts and brown dress shoes or boots.



Uniform Policy (Girls) - Must be purchased from CCA Pro Shop



Must wear navy polo dress everyday with modesty shorts. They MUST wear Velcro laced tennis shoes.   Ugg Style boots in black, brown or gray may be worn November – February.

1ST - 2nd Grade  

Can wear navy polo dresses everyday with modesty shorts or the plaid skirt with white, gray or navy polo shirts. 

3rd -12th grade

May wear khaki pants or plaid skirts with white, navy or gray polo shirts. 3/4 length sleeve navy shirts can also be worn, but are only available in adult sizes with adult x-small being smallest.


1st -12th grade

May either wear a tennis shoe with the primary color being a neutral color (navy, grey, blue or black) with a contrast color of your choice(example: pink or purple stripe); flats in brown, gray, black, or navy (solid color with no sparkle or other embellishment). “Ugg” style boots in gray, brown or black may be worn during cold weather month (November – February). Other style boots may be worn on Friday only.  Pants may not be tucked in boots.


Cheer uniforms

May be worn on game days.



Uniform Policy (Boys) - Must be purchased from CCA Pro Shop


K4- K5 Grade   

May wear navy, gray or white polo shirts with khaki pants or shorts. They MUST wear Velcro laced tennis shoes.  NO BOOTS for boys.


K5-12th Grade

Will wear navy, white or gray polo shirts with khaki pants or short options. They may wear the following shoes: tennis shoe with the primary color being a neutral color (navy, gray, blue or black) with a contrast color of your choice (example: blue or red stripe); brown dress shoes (this includes a brown Sperry or Wallaby type shoe or a boot). Pants may NOT be tucked in boots


K5-12th Grade

Will wear a solid brown belt with shirts tucked in.



Shoes/Socks for Girls and Boys

  • K4-12th grade girls and boys - socks must be worn with all shoes and must be solid white, gray, navy or black (including no see ums), with only a small brand emblem (i.e. Nike or Umbro)   Girls may wear leggings or tights in navy or gray.   See shoe options above.

  • No embellishments on shoes or socks - this includes animal print, sparkles, characters etc.

  • All shoelaces worn in tennis shoes must be the primary color of the shoe.  NO colored laces.



  • Undershirts for both boys and girls must not extend below the bottom of the uniform.

  • ALL coats on premises (inside or out) must be CCA coats. Fleeces and other pullovers sold by Jackson Specialty or CCA can be worn as outer wear. NO hoodies or jackets with hoods will be allowed to be worn at any time in the building. 



Friday is Spirit day

Spirit Wear - blue jeans and approved CCA t-shirts and sweatshirts NO HOODIES. In-season athletes may wear their jersey as a spirit shirt. A white or light gray undershirt must be worn underneath mesh or sleeveless jerseys. No tight fitting jeans or skinny jeans, no sagging jeans, and no jeans with holes or frays are allowed. CCA t-shirts and sweatshirts may be purchased in the CCA pro shop.



Hair coloring for all students should be in good taste. Hair color that is extreme in the opinion of the administration must be corrected before the student returns to school. Boy’s hair should be off the eyebrows, and collar.    Mohawks and Spiked hair are not allowed – Anything that will bring undue attention to oneself.  Sideburns should not extend past the bottom of the ear. All boys are to be cleanly shaved with no beards or mustaches.



Hats, caps, kerchiefs, hoods and headbands are inappropriate to be worn during school hours and should never be worn inside the building, whether before, during, or after school.



Girls’ jewelry and make-up should be modest and tasteful. Boys may wear necklaces under their shirts.  Boys may not wear earrings or any other type of piercing. Pocket and wallet chains are not permitted. Jewelry should be modest and low key. Body piercings (tongue/nose rings, etc.), and tattoos are not permitted, either real or fake. This includes drawings on the skin. The wearing of dog collars, heavy chains, studded neckbands, or any other similar jewelry items are not allowed.


Sweatshirts and Jackets

ONLY jackets and sweatshirts with CCA logo will be allowed to be worn in the building. This includes sports team jackets and sweatshirts. NO HOODIES or jackets with hoods. Do not bring blankets to the classroom. Coats and jackets not meeting these criteria must be removed upon entering the school. Duster style/trench style coats are not permitted. You may bring heavy coats to wear outside during cold weather but they are not to be worn once inside.



  • The above dress code should be maintained before, during, and after the school day while on the school CCA’s campus or representing CCA at other campuses. Extremes in styles that call undue attention are not appropriate and should be avoided. Examples of calling undue attention, which will not be allowed, are the piercing of visible body parts other than ears (girls only) or having a visible tattoo.

  • Attire must at all times be neat, clean, in good repair, and fitted properly. Clothing and appearance should be non-distracting and appropriate for school activities; extremes in personal attire or appearance will not be permitted. Excessively tight, baggy, or sloppy clothes are not allowed. Clothing that advertises drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or has slogans of a suggestive, obscene, defiant, negative, or ungodly nature shall not be worn or displayed. Boys or girls may not dress or adorn themselves in a manner of the opposite gender.

  • Shorts, skirts, dresses and skorts worn in the school building must be no higher than four (4) inches above the kneecap (from a kneeling position, measured from the floor). If a uniform skirt must be altered, there should be no more than four (4) inches about the kneecap.

  • Conservative make-up may be worn in grades five through twelve. No extreme or distracting colors of nail polish or makeup may be worn, e.g., Goth-style make-up, black lipstick or nail polish is also not permitted. Makeup, nail polish, lotions, sprays, or perfumes, may not be brought to the classroom. Grooming is to be done in the restrooms only and grooming items should not be left in restrooms.


Dress Code Outside School (Extracurricular Activities)

  • For school sponsored or sanctioned activities, girls may not wear spaghetti straps, halter tops, tube tops, and blouses should not reveal bare midriffs.

  • When slacks or jeans are worn, they should be in keeping with the general standards of good taste reflected in the Academy’s dress code.

  • Shorts can be worn to athletic competitions.

  • Shirts, jackets, coats, sweaters, or caps with symbols or writing which would be dishonoring to the Academy’s standards are inappropriate. Inappropriate attire will be addressed on an individual basis.

  • Please Note: Due to the constantly changing nature of fashion trends, the administration reserves the right to make specific, case-by-case judgments concerning the dress code that may not be covered in this handbook and may amend the dress code as deemed necessary. 

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